Is the product downloaded from the official site?
Of course, the download of the product takes place from the official sit, no external links are used, only official links.
How can we know if the software is a licensed version or a cracked version?
Determining whether software is a licensed version or a cracked (pirated) version can be difficult, but there are some signs to look out for. Authentication: Legitimate software often includes a unique authentication code or license key provided at the time of purchase. Check if the software asks you to enter a valid license key during installation or use. Cracked versions may skip these activation steps. It is important to note that using cracked software is illegal and can expose your computer to security risks.
What are ESD licenses?
ESD is a Microsoft software license distribution model where software licenses are purchased and delivered through online platform, thus potential cost savings associated with physical media handling, reducing shelf time, and increasing long-term profitability against the physical software model.
What do i get after purchase?
Our licenses are digitally delivered via email within a few minutes of payment, these are ESD digital licenses, and all product keys are original and can be reinstalled on the same device.
Could I have problems with the INSTALLATION?
No problem! You will receive all detailed instructions. We also provide direct assistance with remote support at your disposal 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on public holidays.
What is the advantage of buyingused licenses?
Used software licenses are still the same software licenses as new ones. The only difference is the price. It is an identical product, but if you choose licenses from the free market, you can save up to 80 % of the initial price.
Is it legal to buy and sell used software?
Yes, the European Court of Justice (CJEU) endorsed in 2012 the recognition of the software license as an asset of the company. It is therefore an intangible asset that it can transfer in turn.
Decision by the Court of Justice of the European Union dated 3.7.2012, case no. C-128/11.
CJEU – Court of Justice of the European Union
The Court of Justice of the European Union clarified in its ruling of 3 July 2012 the meaning of the principle of exhaustion with regard to copies of programmes. According to the ruling, the sale of used software licenses for copies of programs in “physical or non-physical form” is legal, provided that it meets certain basic conditions (CJEU, ruling of 3 July 2012, case no. C-128/11 , Curia, Rn 55). The purchase of a software license is also accompanied by the right for a second purchaser to legally download the corresponding software in an updated form (CJEU 3 July 2012, protocol nr. C-128/11, Rn 85).
Since the author's distribution right ends after the initial sale of the software, «[also] the second and any other purchaser of this copy is a “legitimate purchaser” of the same, pursuant to art. 5 par. 1 of Directive 2009/24" (CJEU 3 July 2012, protocol no. C-128/11, Rn 80). Accordingly, software purchased on a data carrier or as a download can be resold. The first purchaser must simply satisfy the condition “[to render] his copy unusable upon resale” (CJEU 3 July 2012, protocol nr. C-128/11, Rn 70).
Unauthorized duplication should be prevented from occurring, i.e. two copies being used instead of one copy of the program. Making the program unusable, for example by deleting or destroying the copy of the program, ensures that «the author's exclusive right to reproduce the computer program in accordance with art. 4 paragraph 1, letter a of Directive 2009/24 [is] not violated" (CJEU 3 July 2012, protocol no. C-128/11, Rn 70). Furthermore, the first purchaser meets the legal framework for resale if a single license is not split (CJEU 3 July 2012, protocol nr. C-128/11, Rn 86). In the case of an MS Office license, this means, for example, not splitting Office into Excel, Word and Power Point, but offering Office as a single package.
Federal Court of Justice
On 17 July 2013 the Federal Court of Justice converted the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Communities into German law. You are therefore permitted to distribute the used licenses and transfer the rights associated with them to the subsequent purchaser of the license. Again, physical and non-physical copies are equated with each other.
The subsequent purchaser will comply with the guidelines specified in the copyright by noting the "intended use" of the copy of the program set out in the license agreement. Thus, he can easily avoid a «violation of the copyright of computer programs» (Federal Court of Justice 17 July 2013, protocol nr. I ZR 129/08, juris, Rn 86).
The Federal Court of Justice with the latest ruling dated 11/12/2014 eliminated the last legal uncertainties in the used software market. The Frankfurt Court of Appeal had already issued a ruling in 2012 (protocol nr. 11 U 68/11) which largely liberalized the software used for trading on the basis of the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. The decision was based on the fact that licenses purchased under volume agreements could also be resold individually. The Federal Court of Justice has now rejected Adobe's appeal against this ruling in its entirety (protocol no. I ZR 8/13). Therefore, the ruling of the Frankfurt Court of Appeal was ultimately confirmed and all legal issues relevant to trading in used software were resolved definitively.
Court of Appeal
In the ruling of 18 December 2012, which implements for the first time the ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union, the Court of Appeal of Frankfurt am Main established that the sale of used licenses is legal. According to the Court of Appeal decision, licenses resulting from volume contracts can also be sold individually.
«The resale of the disputed copies does not [involve] […] an impermissible division of a single license under the law. A volume, multiple or package license" (Court of Appeal of Frankfurt am Main 18 December 2012, protocol nr. 11 U 68/11). The serial number of the licenses installed on a PC is not relevant.
Already in 2006 the Hamburg Courts had declared that the principle of exhaustion had also come into force for volume contracts. Consequently, for example, «the sale or marketing of individual Microsoft software licenses, previously released under volume licensing agreements such as Select agreements, is legally possible […] without Microsoft's consent […] and not [infringes] Microsoft's copyright" (Hamburg District Court 10 September 2007, protocol no. 315 O 267/07).