AUTODESK Civil 2024 1 year

€69.90 €32.60
  • Available for PC (Windows)
  • Devices: 1 PC
  • Language: Multi-language
  • Validity: 1 years

Education version license, complete with all features, can be used for personal and learning/training related purposes. There is no watermark and no reference to the education version in the print files.

Autodesk Civil 3D: is a complete-detailed design and documentation software for civil infrastructures.
What is Autodesk Civil 3D? The software enables civil engineers to tackle complex infrastructure challenges in a 3D model-based environment. Speed ​​up design and documentation Optimize design automation improve collaboration and coordination features offered by Autodesk Civil 3D Optimization of design and documentation workflows Create design and construction documentation for roads and highways, construction sites, railways and bridges. Faster modelling of surfaces, corridors, terrain, and more helps reduce overall design time. Advanced workflows thanks to GIS and cloud collaboration Incorporate GIS data into the project without forgetting sustainability and customer satisfaction. Improve collaboration with everyone involved in the project by viewing and sharing data securely in the cloud. Greater project coordination reduces rework and increases customer satisfaction by seamlessly exchanging data between different specialised teams, without sacrificing standards and accuracy.


System requirements

Minimum: 2.5–2.9 GHz processor (base) ARM Processors are not supported. Please be sure to use the latest video card manufacturer drivers from their website. 3840 x 2160 (4K) or greater True Colour video display adapter; 4 GB VRAM or greater; Pixel Shader 3.0 or greater; DirectX-capable workstation-class graphics card.